Sonography Technician Schools in Mississippi (MS)

The Mississippi Delta, the birthplace of blues music. The state of Mississippi has as much to offer in the field of medical sonography as it does in history and culture. Choose from Sonography Technician Schools in areas such as Jackson, MS, or study online at one of Mississippi's institutions offering online courses.

As a Mississippi Sonographer, you will:

  1. Use imaging equipment for procedures such as sonograms or ultrasounds
  2. Work in a hospital, physician's office or imaging clinic
  3. Diagnose medical conditions
  4. Ensure patient's needs are met

Some career figures for ultrasound technician professionals in Alabama:

  1. Average annual salary: $49,720
  2. Currently employed: 920
  3. Employment outlook: 44% Growth over the next ten years
  4. Most popular degrees: Associate’s Degree, Professional Certificate

Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database..

Hinds Community College Jackson

Diagnostic Medical Sonography


Diagnostic Medical Sonography General

1750 Chadwick Drive

Jackson, MS 39204