Tuition & Costs for sonography Technician School

Tuition and additional costs such as room and board can vary greatly depending on the type of school, location and the level of degree. Many schools offer financial aid packages for student loans as well as local and national scholarships.

For example, certificates in sonography can cost between $5,000-$25,000 and can be completed in one to two years. A one year certificate in sonography from Mercy Medical Center in Canton, OH, costs $13,000. The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, offers a 21 month certificate in sonography for $24,000.

Associate's degree programs in diagnostic medical sonography cost about $6,000-$40,000 total and may last two to four years. For example, Bunker Hill Community College in Boston offers a two year Associate of Arts degree in sonography which costs $6,800 total for tuition and fees for residents and $16,600 for non-residents. An 18 month associate's degree program from San Joaquin Valley College in Bakersfield, CA, costs $38,000 including books and fees.

A bachelor's degree in sonography can cost about $30,000-$48,000. Rush University in Chicago offers a bachelor's in vascular ultrasound for $44,640 tuition and fees over seven academic quarters. New York Methodist Hospital offers a bachelor's degree in coordination with two colleges. The program costs $16,000 per year the first two years and $8,000 per year for the second two years through partnership with the Clarion University of Pennsylvania online program, for a total of about $48,000.

To learn more about specific tuitions costs and financial aid packages contact the school directly. An admissions representative will be able to advise on available scholarships, financial aid, and student loan options.